Pramod Manohar - Water Scarcity

According to NASA, water scarcity will be the most significant environmental issue of the century. Water scarcity is a phenomenon in which the total demand for water exceeds the supply of water, and it has been exacerbated by issues such as overpopulation, global warming, and poor regulation by governments. It detrimentally affects humans and our environment. As Americans, we take for granted our accessibility to clean, safe water; this is not a reality in underdeveloped and developing nations. Almost a fifth of the world's population lives in areas of dire water scarcity, and another fifth lives under areas of shortages. Sub-Saharan Africa and pockets of Asia suffer the most. If the current conditions of global warming continue, hundreds of millions of people could potentially be displaced. Water scarcity is equally or more detrimental to the environment than it is to...